About Us

Hi!! My name is Sue, a housewife, and stay-at-home mom, graphic designer & affiliate marketer  Being a stay-at-home mom is one of the most exhausting and challenging jobs a person can have. Yet, it is the most gratifying and rewarding part of my life.
Raising a child with disabilities comes with many challenges. My son is one of the most beautiful and purest souls I have the privilege of knowing. Having a child with disabilities has opened my eyes and heart in unimaginable ways. I am honored to have him in my life. He makes me a better person.

I have experienced things in my life that have knocked me down and broke me in ways that I can’t express in words. However hard it was, I found ways to mend my broken pieces and make myself whole again. When you hit rock bottom as many times that I have, you tend to appreciate the small blessings in life.
Navigating life through severe depression, raising a child with learning and physical disabilities, dealing with many losses, holding my marriage together while dealing with my husband’s gambling addiction, and learning to live positively with Lupus, has been challenging to say the least. Yet all these trials and tribulations have molded me into the person I am today.

I reached a pinnacle in my life. I got to the point where I found that I wanted to do something for myself. Faced with an unpredictable illness, sort of put things into perspective.

At the age of 45, I decided I wanted to study. I found that I had a passion for Graphic Designing and Digital Marketing. It is a thrilling and motivating experience for me. I have also discovered that I enjoy dabbing in affiliate marketing, and using my graphic designing skills to create my own online print on demand (POD) store.

I love reading. I am a confessed book addict. I can’t remember the time I fell in love with books. I get lost in a world of words and pages filled with characters from all walks of life. Whenever I am stressed, I read. Reading calms me and transports me into another dimension filled with exotic places and fantasies.

I love experiencing characters and plots and twists and heart-stopping cliffhangers. I love the raw emotions and sappy love stories. I crave the experience it gives me and the reprieve I get from escaping my everyday life.

I enjoy drawing, crafting, and spending my time in the kitchen creating new and exciting recipes with my children. Weekends; are spent kicking back with my kids, putting on our favorite music, and dancing like no one is watching, all the while belting out the lyrics off chorus and laughing until our sides hurt.

My how-to solutions blog is an exciting new chapter for me. I am excited to share all of my tips and tricks, and help people find solutions to to commonly asked ‘How To’ questions. As I embark on my journey of affiliate marketing and creating a print on demand store, I would like to share my knowledge with like minded people.

I remember a quote, ”Know your worth, Do what you love, And believe in yourself.”

If you believe in yourself, anything is possible!

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