How To Have An Awesome Christmas With Next To No Money


Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Tis the season to be jolly, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la—

Guys, this song has been playing on a loop like CRAZY in my head. Well, I guess it is because it is that time of the year again, and people all have Christmas fever.

While Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday, everybody relishes celebrating it, or at least everybody that I know that is. But you get the point. It does not matter about your cultural background- no one is immune to the Christmas fever. It is just something in the air that has everyone in the mood.

It happens to fall at the end of the year, and people are ready to collect their bonuses and thirteenth check. The stores are abuzz with discounts and sales. Let us not forget the Black Friday specials that have people queuing in anticipation for all they will get. Plus, it is a time that also signals the end of the year and getting ready to welcome the new year. It is an exciting time. There is no doubt about that. Whether you choose to or not, you can’t help getting swept away by the ambiance of the occasion.

People tend to go overboard with spending and indulging in extravagance. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with indulging if you can afford it. I refer to those who get so caught up in the festivities that they max out their credit cards. Heck- I know a person or two who even go as far as taking out mini loans just for the holidays. Come the new year, and they are sitting with a ton of debt and a heap load of stress.

But, the sad truth is that this year people will not see any extra moola unless they hit the jackpot or win the lotto. (I am not dissing that, miracles can happen). 

The Coronavirus pandemic has left thousands, even millions, without a job. While some of us have somewhat recovered, many are still struggling.

It can leave them on the sidelines feeling sad and depressed this festive season.

Life-changing times

I am a mom, so I know the pressures of going the extra mile to make Christmas extraordinary for the kids. A few years ago, I was like many out there who would go a tad bit overboard on their Christmas budget.

My kids grew up spoilt. There was nothing that we would not get them, no matter how long their Christmas wish list was. 

But life throws us unexpected curveballs, and mine came when my husband lost his job. Not just that, but also it happened just three months before Christmas.

After many sleepless nights with our current predicament and the fast-approaching holidays, I had an epiphany of sorts. Growing up, we did not have much. Some of my best and most precious memories revolve around Christmas times.

It was my chance to teach my children the true meaning of Christmas. It was not easy to convince them ( I had a couple of doors slammed on my face and was told not in a very nice way, mind you that, I could not do that to them.) I thought girls would be over-dramatic, but my boys would put them to shame.

Long story short, and a couple of weeks of the cold shoulder later, I got them to get on board with my plans. I was lucky in the sense that they were old enough to understand our financial situation and give this a chance. Now years later, and although our financial situation has changed, we still follow those traditions we formed. We never looked back.

I don’t like my kids to lose sight of the value of Christmas, which is a time for giving, caring, and sharing. I try not to spend too much money while still keeping it magical and memorable.

Music for the soul

Nothing puts you in the Christmas mood like Christmas carols and songs. Listening to holiday tunes can have a positive influence on your behavior. Music is attested to enhance your spirit. Music has a significant tie to sentimentality, which is why hearing a song from the early days may bring back memories of then days like it was yesterday.

 Christmas songs can make people feel warm, fuzzy, and child-like. Part of the reason Christmas music is associated with joy is not necessarily the music pacifically, but the memories that come with it.

While decorating the tree, preparing meals, and baking music just put us in a happy mood. I relish the sounds of my kids’ laughter, and when they sing along and dance, well, there is no better feeling in the world.

The first step to getting into the mood is to get your playlist ready. There is so much free music online, but I find the best ones on Youtube.

There is a reason why they say music is food for the soul.

What is Christmas without a Christmas tree?

It has been years since I invested in buying a Christmas tree. A few years back, when I got our old tree out of storage, it was damaged. Instead of going out and buying a new one I, scoured the internet for DIY alternatives and came across a cool and versatile one.

Since I had most of the accessories, I decided to give it a try. Amazingly it came out pretty cool. My kids had so much fun doing this.

It has now become a tradition that brings us much joy. Below you will find a video as a guide, but we decorated it with some old ornaments and some we made. I never knew that cutting out stars and circles from cardboard and covering them in glue and glitter would make such a beautiful tree decoration. Every year we get better and better and, I know this year it will be epic.


With the tree sorted out, gifts are a little bit trickier. I am so glad that I started this a while ago. I know how kids can be, and the expectations that they have with regards to presents.  

 When I was trying to teach them the values of Christmas, I took them for a drive and showed them all the children begging on the street corners. I showed them that not all kids were as lucky to receive homemade or inexpensive gifts. I told them to think about how wonderful it would feel to put a smile on their faces if not for just one day. That is how our second tradition started. My kids now collect all their old stuff and clothes that they no longer use and gift wrap them to give these children. We even go a step further and prepare a meal and some cookies for them. We do not have much but the feeling of giving outweighs their feelings of receiving.

 Is that not what the Christmas spirit is all about?

When I explained this to my close family and friends, they also joined in, thus making the whole present exchange thing so much easier. You do not have to spend much to make someone smile on Christmas morning. Just show that you care. Hopefully, one of the gift ideas on this list will help you do just that. There are a lot of ideas out there, but I will share the ones that I do.

Cookies in a jar

I do not usually bake. So, homemade treats are a gift in themselves for my kids. The wonderful thing about this is that we do it together. I use what I have in my pantry and spend a little more on the jars and ribbons. I shop for these at discount stores. It is a tasty and thoughtful gift for family and friends.

Gifts From Home

You will be amazed at the things you can find at home. Scarfs, socks, ties that you have not used. The dress your sister always wanted. The shoes your niece has always admired. Maybe some costume jewelry that you hardly use. These all make great gifts.


In my circle of family and friends, we all love books. They are little treasures for us. I would pick one that a particular person likes and write a personal message inside for them. It adds a personal touch and is always a welcomed gift. Words are a powerful tool to evoke emotions.

Framed Photos

My family and friends love taking pics. There is no occasion, and; this includes Sunday lunch that we don’t find an opportunity to strike a pose. Some of the moments captured are just timeless memories. I pick a few that has sentimental value and frame them. It makes a beautiful gift for a loved one.

And Lastly, My Kids

I am not going to lie because I do spend a little money on their gifts. They are teenage boys, so I cant get away with toys. I also would not get them the latest iPhone or game box that they wanted. Instead, maybe I will get them a shirt or jacket they hinted that they liked. It is the only thing that I will compromise on spending a little extra. They make me so proud of learning to give instead of just waiting to receive gifts.

My final thoughts

You don’t need a lot of money to have a magical Christmas. If you have read any of my previous posts, you will know that I like to approach live living positively. Developing this gift strategy has worked for me; and my family. Also, we made new traditions that I am sure they will pass to my grandkids one day. That in itself is the only gift that I will ever need. Christmas should be more than spending money. It should be about music, food, laughter, and making beautiful memories. So if you are one of those people out there struggling this Christmas, know that you can still celebrate this holiday and make beautiful memories with your loved ones. I know hard it can get. Believe me, when I tell you, I have been there, done that, nothing will ever change if you do not change your mindset. Nothing and no one will change your life but yourself. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!




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