Amazing Health & Beauty Benefits Of Cloves

When I first came across the information on this tiny little spice, I was left dumbfounded. I use it daily in the foods that I prepare and never knew the kind of power it packs. They say dynamite comes in small packages, and this little gem packs some serious power.

A Little Clove History  

Cloves are a spice made from the flower buds of an evergreen tree called the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum). They have a very intense flavor and aroma. Found in whole and ground forms, they are available from most shops, spice stores, and health stores.

This versatile spice -is frequently used to season and add flavoring to soups, hot beverages, Indian dishes, or pumpkin pie spiced drinks, and desserts, to name a few.

Cloves are sometimes used to make chai (a mixture of tea, spices, and milk popular in India and Pakistan). Some perfumes use cloves for the aroma, and clove oil is sold as an essential oil.

Cloves are regularly used in Ayurveda, which is traditional Indian medicine.  


Long-used in traditional medicine, there is evidence that clove oil containing eugenol is effective for toothache pain and other types of pain.

Adverse effects

I cannot give you all the health benefits of cloves and not tell you about the side effects that accompany them.

Studies show that the effectiveness of fever decline and as a mosquito repellent has been inconclusive. Its use may cause unfavorable effects if used orally by people with liver disease, blood clotting, and; immune system disorders, or food allergies. If you have any health issues, please consult your doctor before including them in your diet

Can Cause Bleeding

Cloves can increase the risk of bleeding by enhancing the effects of blood-thinning medications like Warfarin.

 Might Lower Blood Sugar Way Too Much

Cloves help lower blood sugar. In a study, cloves help to sustain antihyperglycemic activity for a long time.

It is good news, especially for individuals dealing with diabetes.

But there is a possibility that the spice can lower your blood sugar levels way too much, especially if you are on diabetes medications.

Can Cause Allergies

The eugenol in cloves can cause allergies. The composite reacts directly with body proteins and causes contact dermatitis. It can also cause localized irritation.

 Can Be Toxic

Clove (or the oil) toxicity was documented in some instances. The oil was found to cause coma, fits, and acute liver damage.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, multiple dangers are linked with clove oil. It may cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. Or an allergic reaction on the skin. It is also flammable and could be deadly if it is consumed and goes into the airway.


How Many Cloves Can You Take In A Day?

According to the World Health Organization, the acceptable daily dosage of cloves is 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Anything beyond this can cause complications.

With that being said, let us get to the good parts of cloves.

Medicinal uses 

Long-used in traditional medicine, there is evidence that clove oil containing eugenol is effective for toothache pain and other types of pain. Cloves are used as an essential oil. It is also used as an anodyne (analgesic). Mainly for dental emergencies and other disorders. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy.

Cloves are an excellent source of:

  •  Vitamin K
  •  Potassium
  • Beta-carotene
  • Eugenol

Cures and prevents acne:

Clove is filled with antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Clove oil contains a compound called eugenol that helps in treating acne. It fights the acne bacteria and helps in reducing swelling and redness.

  • Take a few drops of clove essential oil and dab it onto your acne.
  • You can use it as a spot treatment, or you could mix it in your cream.
  • Add the oil with a pinch of turmeric for a patch treatment.
  • I would recommend that you do not use the oil directly on your skin.

Helps in fighting signs of aging:

Finding the secret to aging is like every woman’s dream come true. There are so many products out there that promise results but never work. I prefer to try natural remedies and to be honest, I would give it a try at least once.

Clove oil is said to help in reducing the sagginess of the skin. It prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a potent anti-aging ingredient used in most cosmetics. Cloves remove the dead skin cells and aids in blood circulation, which indirectly or directly ensures youthful and radiant-looking skin.

Removes marks and lightens blemishes:

Clove oil helps in removing or lightening the acne marks. Regular use of clove oil can clear out the blemishes and ensure an even skin tone. It works like a chemical peel and exfoliates the dead skin, leaving your face clean and clear.

Used in Aromatherapy:

Stress is the number one culprit for aging skin. In today’s reality, it is almost unavoidable. Aromatherapy is proven to help with stress. Clove has an aroma that helps in calming down the nerves and reducing stress. Stress makes your skin look dull and lifeless, but it also hastens the aging of the skin. Try to stay calm and composed as much as you can for an overall healthy body and skin.

How to use:

Use clove essential oil as a scent on your pulse points, or just put a few drops in your diffuser to feel the calming and soothing aroma of clove.

Clove Tea

Another amazing thing I discovered about cloves is that you can make tea with them. This tea comes with a wide range of health benefits. It is said to help you detox your liver to protect your body against cancer. There is a lower risk of having health problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Steeping cloves in hot water unlocks more of its flavor and releases its chemical compounds. Research from Harvard Health found that tea contains polyphenols, which act as antioxidants to rid the body of toxins.

What happens when you drink clove tea?

Cloves are enhanced with antiseptic, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. The anti-inflammatory compounds help heal sore throats, colds and coughs, and headaches. The eugenol present in the clove helps promote digestion. We all know that healthy digestion is key to effective weight loss. Clove also helps amp up metabolism naturally.

Clove Tea Recipe

  1. Grind a tablespoon of whole cloves.
  2. Steep the powder in boiling water for three or four minutes.
  3. Strain the spice out. You will be left with a rich, spicy tea.

My final Thoughts

All the above information is purely from my research. I stumbled upon this while looking for herbal remedies for a toothache. I found it fascinating and wanted to share it with you guys. I am in no way an expert on the subject. I request that you use it with caution. Especially if you have underlying health issues or if you have sensitive skin.


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